CEO Gravy Train: Top Execs Rake It In At 300 Times The Rate Of Their Workers
The chief executive officers of America’s largest firms earn three times more than they did 20 years ago and at...
The chief executive officers of America’s largest firms earn three times more than they did 20 years ago and at...
Does trumpeting scoundrels’ misdeeds set them straight? Edward Lampert, chairman and CEO of Sears Holdings, received positive reviews from only...
Holiday bells are silent in the homes of America’s struggling working poor, even with gasoline prices at their lowest levels...
The paranoid water-cooler lament that the boss has rigged the rules so that he will get paid even if he...
When most employees want a raise, they schedule a meeting with their supervisor or reach out to human resources. A...
Rumblings of discontent about executive wages, the 1 Percent, and wealth gaps know no borders. And neither does fierce debate...
The Institute for Policy Studies’ 2014 Executive Pay Reform Scorecard – part of the just-released latest edition of the IPS...
Every August, for most of the last four decades, top central bankers from around the world have been making their...
CEOs like to justify their sky-high pay by saying it rewards their work in steering companies toward better performance. But...
Last year, according to a new analysis from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), the CEOs of America’s top 25 restaurant...
Fed up with the do-nothing Congress, people around the country are no longer waiting for Washington to lead on some...
Business owners usually don’t like it when their employees steal from them. For this reason is it is hard to...
Workers in the United States don’t make double what workers make in Japan or Switzerland. Why should U.S. CEOs routinely...
The CEO and other top executives at Coca-Cola have been giving themselves lavish bonus packages. According to the calculations of...
Memorial Day is in the rear-view mirror, but here’s one more thing to remember: American chief executives make too darn...
While many companies doled out seven-figure raises for their top brass last year, they were far more stingy with the...
The median CEO pay package hit $10.5 million last year, according to the Associated Press, cracking eight figures for the...
A beginning elementary school teacher in a small district in California makes around $40,000 per year. That’s 2 or 3...
The salary of McDonald’s CEO Donald Thompson should be slashed by the company’s Board of Directors due to the chain’s...
A good many Americans now know the high-finance games that JPMorgan Chase and other big banks like to play —...
There’s another reason to get upset when CEOs make millions: Taxpayers are subsidizing some of this wealth.
Median CEO pay rose to $10.5 million last year at America’s largest companies, according to a USA Today analysis that...
NEW YORK — McDonald’s Corp. more than tripled the pay packages last year for its new CEO Don Thompson and...
You can blame the stagnant economy on a “handful of women and men” who run the country’s largest companies. And...
Former Chief Executive Officer Ron Johnson, 54, of J.C. Penney Co. got a compensation package worth 1,795 times the average...