People Who Work For Tips Are Twice As Likely To Live In Poverty
People who work for tips are far more likely to live in poverty, according to a new report from the...
People who work for tips are far more likely to live in poverty, according to a new report from the...
Every business sector has its friends in Washington. Financial companies — from the biggest megabanks to small payday lenders —...
Last year, according to a new analysis from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), the CEOs of America’s top 25 restaurant...
The 2014 elections are awash in dark money—and it’s only getting worse. The Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity alone plans to...
Fed up with the do-nothing Congress, people around the country are no longer waiting for Washington to lead on some...
Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) proposed an amendment to a House spending bill Tuesday that would raise the minimum wage for...
WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday that President Barack Obama is “devastating” the U.S. military and needs...
Despite supposed bans on companies that move offshore to avoid paying U.S. taxes getting federal contracts, more than a dozen...
Do you wonder which members of Congress routinely side with the richest 1 percent and Wall Street? Which lawmakers consistently...
Business owners usually don’t like it when their employees steal from them. For this reason is it is hard to...
It’s not often that social and corporate conservatives come together, but the five right-of-center justices on the Supreme Court fashioned...
In an expected show of solidarity with postal employee unions, the 1.6 million-member American Federation of Teachers will vote Saturday...
Just days before its international debut at an airshow in the United Kingdom, the entire fleet of the Pentagon’s next...
Fossil fuel and utility interests, concerned about the rise of cheap clean energy, are financing attacks on pro–clean energy policies,...
Workers in the United States don’t make double what workers make in Japan or Switzerland. Why should U.S. CEOs routinely...
How much are the mega rich hiding offshore? Independent analysts have been working to pin that figure down. The most...
Think a higher minimum wage is a job killer? Think again: The states that raised their minimum wages on January...
Bigtime companies are moving their “headquarters” overseas to dodge billions in taxes … that means the rest of us pay...
Koch Industries is a multinational conglomerate involved in the industries of manufacturing, refining and distribution of petroleum, chemicals, and energy....
A Seattle millionaire is urging his super-rich peers to support a $15 minimum wage or face the possibility of a...
On Monday the Supreme Court struck down a key part of the Affordable Care Act, ruling that privately-owned corporations don’t...
Walmart is known for resisting efforts to unionize its American workforce. But in Canada, one of its stores actually voted...
During my first semester of college, John Lennon was assassinated 40 blocks south of my freshman dorm, and Ronald Reagan,...
The South has never been America’s bright spot when it comes to things like poverty and health outcomes, but recent...
On Monday the Supreme Court struck down a key part of the Affordable Care Act, ruling that privately-owned corporations don’t...
In the global discussion of human rights, impunity refers to de facto immunity from punishment enjoyed by dictators, oligarchs, and...
This is what happens when Marco Rubio, Mitch McConnell, Tom Cotton, Cory Gardner and a gang of the world’s richest...
Responding to a Bureau of Economic Analysis study that found the state’s personal-income growth during the first three months of...
Poverty continues to be a pressing social problem– but it’s hardly mentioned on the network newscasts, according to a new...
After savaging public education in Chicago, Philly, New Orleans and Bridgeport, Vallas has been summoned home to Illinois by the...
Ikea will announce Thursday a plan to raise its average minimum wage at U.S. stores to $10.76 an hour, a...
Many Americans dislike the IRS and will paint you a vivid picture of the tax man knocking down your door...
Reports that two Supreme Court Justices have attended seminars sponsored by the energy giant and conservative bank-roller Koch Industries has...
After Gap announced in February that it will eventually raise its lowest pay to $10 an hour, job applications increased...
Wal-Mart has a knack for proving its critics right. In its latest example, responding to an Op-Ed by the New...
The ugly face of empire and disaster capitalism is visible all over the world. Detroit, Michigan, was once a thriving...
Two weeks ago, the Seattle City Council made national headlines when it voted to raise that city’s minimum wage to...
The United States is facing new international pressure to raise its minimum wage. In its annual review of the U.S....
(Reuters) – As tension over inequality simmers, persistent cash hoarding by multinationals and the super-rich may be one measure of...
The Massachusetts House passed a bill that will raise the state’s minimum wage to $11 an hour by 2017. The...
The minimum wage is currently more than 25% below its real value in the late 1960s. The Congressional Budget Office...
A Republican state legislator in Kansas is being targeted by a new Koch-funded effort to oust those who want to...
The go-to intellectual guardians of our corporate order — those conservative analysts whose op-eds appear regularly in the Wall Street...
Men between 25 and 44 have seen precipitous increases in the share working at such low wages, with the share...
The billionaire Koch brothers and their political network are planning to spend almost $300 million during the 2014 election cycle,...
In the second part of his interview with Bill Moyer, the Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz says that such...
A Republican official in Arizona on Wednesday confirmed something that’s long been suspected. State schools superintendent John Huppenthal has been...
Renewable energy took a major hit in Ohio last week. Republican Gov. John Kasich signed into law Senate Bill 310,...
Rather than confront poverty by extending jobless benefits to the long-term unemployed, endorsing a higher minimum wage, or supporting jobs...
Arkansas is witnessing what may be the most expensive political ad campaign in state history: $1.5 million worth of glowing...